Monday, February 9, 2009

Random Acts of Kindness Week

The week of February 9 - 13 has been declared Random Acts of Kindness Week by the United Way. We, at Boomer Diva Nation, are proud participants---not just this week--- but EVERYDAY. We are promoting our D.A.R.K. Campaign in conjunction with the United Way.

(D.A.R.K. stands for Diva Acts of Random Kindness)

We hope you will join us in our efforts to make the world a nicer place and that you'll do it for longer than a week.

Here's today's D.A.R.K. story from Diva Betty Lynch:

Today it is raining in East Texas. It is that kind of rain that makes getting the umbrella out, just a nuisance, but raining enough you want to get out of it because before to long you will be soaked. On my lunch hour, I had to run to Barnes and Noble to pick up a book I had ordered. Going through the parking lot I stopped and let about 10 people (at different times) go in front of me so they could get out of the rain. One man had a small child in his arms that he was trying to cover to keep from getting wet. I didn't even think twice about doing this for these people.

I got back to my office and our parking lot is across the street. I had my umbrella, but when I approached the street, this car stopped in the middle of the street and motioned for me to cross. Just what I had done to those people at the Barnes and Noble parking lot who didn't have an umbrella. I was paid back for my kindness. People can be so thoughtful.

Betty Lynch
Author, My Country Kitchen Cookbook
Member, Boomer Diva Nation