Monday, December 8, 2008

Blessings Given--Blessings Received

I have this friend, J.B., whose grandmother is dying. He called me from the hospital recently and asked if I could please pick him up and take him home.

"Have you eaten?" I asked.

"No," he replied.

"Okay, let's stop at 'bag of nails,' get you some soup or a sandwich or something, and then I'll take you home."

We're seated. J.B. leaves for a minute to call his mother. My son Chris has gone across the street to the music store and I'm alone.

A mother walks in with two toddlers and they are seated right beside us. They're really good kids but hungry and just a little fussy. I had some French fries and asked their mom if I could share them. "I haven't added any salt! I never add salt!" She said, "Thank you. Please."

So kids are munching on my fries, adorable babies, and Mom and I begin to talk.

Bottom line...She's a news anchor for 10TV and wants to do a television interview with me and Chris..................OMIGOD!

Debra Shiveley Welch
Member, Boomer Diva Nation

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